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SPSS Statistics - Professional prices


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SPSS is a modular product specialized in statistical analysis and reporting. This powerful program is the number-one product in social science and market- and opinion-research. Whoever expects a complicated user-interface is wrong. While being very powerful SPSS is still easy to use. SPSS is used by leading global companies, authorities and academic institutions.

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SPSS Statistics - Premium

SPSS Statistics - Premium

SPSS Statistics - Premium

SPSS Premium is the package for ambitious companies with various applications for statistics! more details

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SPSS Statistics - Base

SPSS Statistics - Base

SPSS Statistics - Base

The most comprehensive and powerful package for statistical data analysis! more details

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IBM SPSS Statistics - Professional

Tools to address the challenges of the entire analytic life cycle

The IBM SPSS Statistics Professional Edition goes beyond the core statistical capabilities offered in the Standard Edition to address issues of data quality, data complexity, automation and forecasting. It is designed for users who perform many types of in-depth and non-standard analyses and who need to save time by automating data preparation tasks.

The IBM SPSS Statistics Professional edition includes the following key capabilities:

  • Linear models offer a variety of regression and advanced statistical procedures designed to fit the inherent characteristics of data describing complex relationships.
  • Nonlinear models provide the ability to apply more sophisticated models to data.
  • Simulation capabilities help analysts automatically model many possible outcomes when inputs are uncertain, improving risk analysis and decision making.
  • Customized tables enable users to easily understand their data and quickly summarize results in different styles for different audiences.
  • Data preparation streamlines the data preparation stage of the analytical process.
  • Data validity and missing values increase the chance of receiving statistically significant results.
  • Decision trees make it easier to identify groups, discover relationships between groups and predict future events.
  • Forecasting features enable you to analyze historical data and predict trends faster.


  Windows® Mac® OS X Linux®
Further Requirements Super VGA-Monitor (800x600) or higher Resolution
For a connection to SPSS Statistics Base Server, you will need a network adapter for TCP/IP-Network protocol
Internet Explorer
Super VGA-Monitor (800x600) or higher Resolution
Webbrowser: Mozilla Firefox
Super VGA-Monitor (800x600) or higher Resolution
Webbrowser: Mozilla Firefox
Operating System Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32-/64-Bit) Mac OS X 10.7 (32-/64-Bit), Mac OS X 10.8 (only 64-Bit!) Debian 6.0 x86-64, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 Desktop Editions, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 6 x86-64:
  • Linux (64 bit) kernel 2.6.28-238.e15 or higher
  • FORTRAN version
  • C++ Version
Min. CPU Intel or AMD-x86-Processor 1 GHz or better Intel-Processor (32-/64-Bit) Intel or AMD-x86-Processor 1 GHz or better  
Min. RAM 1 GB RAM + 1 GB RAM + 1 GB RAM +
Festplattenplatz Min. 800 MB Min. 800 MB Min. 800 MB


  SPSS Statistics Server
Further Requirements For Windows-, Solaris-PC's: Network adapter with TCP/IP-Network protocol
For System z-PC's: OSA-Express3 10 Gigabit Ethernet, OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet, OSA-Express3 1000BASE-T Ethernet
Operating System Windows Server 2008 or 2012 (64-Bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-/64-Bit), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11 (32-/64-Bit)

Details can be found in the the following PDF-document:System Requirements SPSS Statistics Server 22
Min. CPU  
Min. RAM 4 GB RAM +
Disk Space ca. 1 GB for the installation. Double the amount may be needed.

Linear models

  • SPSS Statistics Professional includes generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) for use with hierarchical data.
  • This software has general linear models (GLM) and mixed models procedures.
  • It includes generalized linear models (GENLIN), including widely used statistical models such as linear regression for normally distributed responses, logistic models for binary data, and loglinear models for count data. GENLIN also offers many useful statistical models through its very general model formulation.
  • Generalized estimating equations (GEE) procedures extend generalized linear models to accommodate correlated longitudinal data and clustered data.

Nonlinear models

  • Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) predicts categorical outcomes with more than two categories.
  • Binary logistic regression classifies data into two groups.
  • Nonlinear regression (NLR) and constrained nonlinear regression (CNLR) estimate parameters of nonlinear models.
  • Probit analysis evaluates the value of stimuli using a logit or probit transformation of the proportion responding.

Simulation capabilities

  • Monte Carlo simulation enables you to create simulated datasets based on existing data and/or known parameters when the existing data is inadequate.
  • Non-numeric variables such as “male” and “female” can be simulated without recoding them as numeric variables.
  • Existing predictive models and data can serve as the starting point for simulations, including models exported from Automatic Linear Modeling (ALM) and IBM SPSS Modeler.
  • Associations between categorical inputs are automatically determined and used when generating data for the inputs.
  • Results are calculated over and over, using a different set of random values to produce distributions of possible outcome values and enabling users to select the best one.
  • The advanced techniques within SPSS Statistics can be used to analyze simulation results and create visualizations to convey outcomes and recommended actions to decision-makers.

Customized tables

  • Means or proportions are compared for demographic groups, customer segments, time periods or other categorical variables when including inferential statistics.
  • The software creates summary statistics—from simple counts for categorical variables to measures of dispersion—and sorts categories by any summary statistic used.
  • It includes three significance tests: Chi-square test of independence, comparison of column means (t test) or comparison of column proportions (z test).
  • An interactive table builder provides drag and drop capabilities for creating pivot tables.
  • It excludes specific categories, displays missing value cells and can add subtotals to tables.
  • Tables can be previewed in real time and modified as they are created. They are exportable to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or HTML for use in reports.

Data preparation

  • SPSS Statistics Professional identifies suspicious or invalid cases, variables and data values.
  • The software lets you view patterns of missing data and summarize variable distributions.
  • Optimal Binning finds the best possible outcome for algorithms designed for nominal attributes.
  • The Automated Data Preparation (ADP) tool detects and corrects quality errors and imputes missing values in one efficient step.
  • Recommendations and visualizations help you determine which data to use.

Data validity and missing values

  • SPSS Statistics Professional examines data from several different angles using one of six diagnostic reports, then estimates summary statistics and imputes missing values.
  • It diagnoses serious missing data imputation problems.
  • The software replaces missing values with estimates.
  • It displays a snapshot for each type of missing value and any extreme values for each case.
  • Hidden bias is removed by replacing missing values with estimates to include all groups—even those with poor responsiveness.

Decision trees

  • SPSS Statistics Professional visually determines how your model flows so you can find specific subgroups and relationships.
  • The software creates classification trees directly within IBM SPSS Statistics so you can use results to segment and group cases directly within the data.
  • It includes four established tree-growing algorithms:
    • CHAID—A fast, statistical, multi-way tree algorithm that explores data quickly and efficiently, and builds segments and profiles with respect to the desired outcome.
    • Exhaustive CHAID—A modification of CHAID, which examines all possible splits for each predictor.
    • Classification and regression trees (C&RT)—A complete binary tree algorithm, which partitions data and produces accurate homogeneous subsets.
    • QUEST—A statistical algorithm that selects variables without bias and builds accurate binary trees quickly and efficiently.
  • Selection or classification/prediction rules are generated in IBM SPSS Statistics syntax, SQL statements or simple text (through syntax).


  • SPSS Statistics Professional enables you to deliver information in ways that your organization’s decision-makers can understand and use.
  • It automatically determines the best-fitting ARIMA or exponential smoothing model to analyze your historic data.
  • Hundreds of different time series can be modeled at once, rather than one variable at a time.
  • Models are saved to a central file so that forecasts can be updated when data changes without having to re-set parameters or re-estimate models.
  • Scripts can be written to update models with new data automatically.